In the area of Scituate, MA, residents with in-ground pools know that summer isn’t the only time to think about pool repair and maintenance. Though many people focus on cleaning, repairing and maintaining their swimming pools during the warm months when they are able to swim in them, the truth is that to keep a pool in good condition, it must be cared for year-round. In addition to performing regular maintenance during the months when the pool is in use, the pool must be prepared for winter, and reopened again in the spring, both of which are tasks better left in the hands of professional pool repair and maintenance personnel Scituate, MA (like other places in the northern hemisphere) has four seasons, and as a result, owners of in-ground swimming pools are only able to use them for a few months each year. During the months when the pool is open, it must be maintained on a weekly basis, and companies like Affordable Pool Repair typically offer these services. Affordable Pool Repair performs maintenance services (such as checking and adjusting pool chemical levels, skimming insects and debris from the surface of the water, vacuuming the bottom of the pool, removing algae, cleaning the filter and scrubbing the walls) as part of their weekly pool maintenance services. For those who don’t need weekly services, they also offer bi-weekly maintenance visits, but these do not include cleaning and vacuuming. Their prices include the cost of any chemicals or parts that are needed during the maintenance process, so pool owners don’t have to worry about any surprise costs associated with the maintenance.
In addition to maintaining the pool when it is open, the pool must be prepared for the winter, and reopened in the spring. Winterization, the process of preparing the pool for the winter months, involves covering the pool to keep debris out of it, and also draining the water from the pool and disposing of it. (This reduces the chance of drowning accidents, and prevents the freezing and expanding water from cracking the metal or cement lining of the pool.) Summerization, conversely, is the process of reopening the pool, and readying it for the summer months by performing any necessary repairs, ensuring all parts are in working order, filling it with water, and adding the appropriate chemicals.
As their name implies, Affordable Pool Repair also offers pool repair services, and they care for both residential and commercial in-ground swimming pools. They are available seven days a week, and will respond in forty-eight hours for a normal service call, and twenty-four hours for an emergency. Response time is an important factor when choosing which Scituate MA area pool repair company to employ, because delayed repairs can result in not only missed playtime, but serious damage to property and the pool itself, depending on the situation.
When choosing a pool repair company in Scituate MA, it’s important to consider not only how they respond in an emergency situation, but also what regular maintenance and upkeep services they offer. A good company, such as Affordable Pool Repair, will perform any tasks necessary to keep a swimming pool up and running. (If you are in the area of Scituate, MA and would like more information about Affordable Pool Repair, you can check out their website,, for a complete listing of the services they offer.)
Call Today for a free Estimate 888-611-POOL (7665)