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Renovating A Gunite Swimming Pool In Nashua New Hampshire With Ice Still In Pool

Renovating a gunite swimming pool in Nashua New Hampshire with ice still in pool Affordable Pools. We started to renovate pool in Nashua New Hampshire and there was still 6″ to 8″ inches of ice in the pool but we had to break up and haul out.

This was a good night pool with white coping stones and 2″ x 2″ Pool Tile. Plaster was pretty rough and beat up it was about 18 years old and was definitely do for pool renovation. As experts at remodeling swimming pools this type of renovation, Affordable Pools does almost every single day. Affordable Pools we travel all over New England in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermon

Swimming Pool Renovation at Phillips Pond in Natick Massachusetts by Affordable Pool

Affordable Pool is renovating the swimming pool for Phillips pond condominiums in Natick Massachusetts. The pool is 3 to 6 feet deep 168 perimeter feet with an attached spa hot tub. Affordable Pools removed all the tile and prepped the existing pool plaster. We will then apply new frostproof Pool Tile with the fortified swimming pool mortar and tile mixture. Once the pool tile has been installed and grouted, the pool and be finally prepped for the new SGM Diamond Brite pool plaster installation. Phillips pond of Natick MA decided to go with the cool blue Diamond Brite pool plaster which will looks really sharp with the cobalt blue Pool Tile.

At Affordable Pool our goal is to make the residents of Phillips pond of Natick Massachusetts extremely happy with the results of the pool renovation. A pool remodeling of this caliber is very important to make sure all the residents are extremely satisfied with the outcome … Continue reading

Pool Remodeling Chatham MA

In a time when few people want to change locations for home or businesses, there is still a need to for a few alterations. Everyone requires a few new features in their lives. Pool remodeling can be a good way to change the look and feel of a hotel’s luxury feature, or to make a difference in the backyard of a home. The first step is to find someone who can help with pool remodeling. Chatham MA has many companies capable of renovations, but not all are specialists in pool remodeling. Chatham MA and surrounding areas can provide the experts needed to help.

The Best Pool Remodeling

In Chatham MA or anywhere when a couple realizes that their family’s needs require a larger pool, or when a business wants to dedicate more space to a recreational area then finding someone who can work with an existing space and connections is important. Any type of remodeling can be tricky and it … Continue reading

Pool Remodeling Newton MA

Pools can be more than simply a place to enjoy a cool dip on a hot summer day. Under the right conditions, a pool can bring a sense of glamour to a home the whole year round. Much of the change that a pool can see comes from finding the right people to complete the pool’s look. Before sitting down at the computer and running a search for “Pool remodeling NEWTON MA“, it can benefit a pool’s owner to know what they are really looking for in someone to do the work. In that search for Pool remodeling NEWTON MA, a homeowner should also have a list of questions ready to ask.

Considering a Search for Pool Remodeling NEWTON MA

Before starting that search for Pool remodeling NEWTON MA, a homeowner might want to look at the pool and the surrounding space and consider what they truly want from a remodeling job. Some make the mistake of thinking that a … Continue reading

Pool Repair Bedford MA

For a home or business owner it can be discouraging to pull back the pool cover and find a problem. In the late spring and early summer, the only thought is having the refreshing, cool swim that owning a pool offers. No one wants to face a disappointed family or friends, and for a business not having a pool available can have a much higher cost. The second a problem is spotted it’s time to call for pool repair. Bedford MA is a wonderful place to spend a summer poolside, or take a dip on a warm day, so finding the people who can best take of that pool is important. The key is to find the best crew possible who put things right and perform a pool repair. Bedford MA gives plenty of opportunities for those looking for someone dependable to fix problems, but there are ways to spot the right company.

Its easy to put up a sign … Continue reading

Pool Repair Tyngsborough MA

Most people, particularly in the northern hemisphere, don’t think about their in-ground swimming pools when it is the middle of winter, and the pool is covered with a tarp and a foot of snow. When the weather starts to warm up in late spring, they start to consider opening the pool and preparing it for use during the summer months; they maintain it well during the summer because it is in regular use, and at the beginning of fall, they close it up, cover it, and don’t think about it for the next eight months. However, in-ground swimming pools require year-round attention to stay in good condition, and to avoid unexpected problems when opening the pool in spring, it’s best to have them maintained regularly. It is important to find a reliable and affordable pool repair company to not only perform regular maintenance on a swimming pool, but also to repair it whenever problems occur.

In the area of Tyngsborough, … Continue reading

Pool Repair Framingham MA

It can be a lot of fun to own an in-ground swimming pool. During the summer months, when the sun is hot and the air is humid, a dip in the pool can be a refreshing and fun way to pass the time. Most pool repair and maintenance is required during the months when the pool is open and in use, but it is important to keep up with any necessary repairs year-round to keep problems from getting worse. In some areas of the country (such as the area of Framingham, MA), the weather is only warm enough to use a pool for a few months each year, which means that it must be opened at the beginning of the season, maintained while it’s open, and closed at the end of the season.

At the beginning of summer, before the pool is used, it must be summerized. This process involves removing the protective plastic covering from the pool, scrubbing the … Continue reading

Pool Repair Lexington MA

Summer is the time of year when many people think about their in-ground swimming pools; it’s the perfect time of year to go swimming and lounge around for a tan, and when the weather is freezing, most people aren’t thinking about taking a dip. However, in reality, it’s important to think about your pool all year long, because it may need to have certain parts repaired or replaced, and it needs to be cared for properly no matter what the season. Proper maintenance is essential to prolonging the life of a pool and its components; when something does break or wear out, it is often cheaper to have a part repaired than to have it replaced, which is why finding a reliable, affordable pool repair company is important.

There are many different tasks which must be done, throughout the year, to ensure that a pool is in good working order. For those who live in climates where it isn’t warm … Continue reading

Pool Repair North Andover MA

Few people realize how much work goes into owning and maintaining an in-ground swimming pool. In the northern hemisphere, in-ground pools (unless they are indoors and heated) are only usable for a few months per year, and during those months, the pool must be diligently maintained, and repaired when necessary, to ensure that it remains in good working order. For example, in the area of North Andover, MA, the weather is usually warm enough to use the pool between May and September, though it varies a little depending on the year; these are the months when the pool requires the most diligent maintenance.

When summer is approaching and the weather warms up enough to start using the pool, it must be summerized, meaning that it has to be opened and prepared for use. The protective covering is removed, the sides and bottom of the pool are cleaned to remove any algae or debris, and the pool is filled with water … Continue reading

Pool Repair Scituate MA

In the area of Scituate, MA, residents with in-ground pools know that summer isn’t the only time to think about pool repair and maintenance. Though many people focus on cleaning, repairing and maintaining their swimming pools during the warm months when they are able to swim in them, the truth is that to keep a pool in good condition, it must be cared for year-round. In addition to performing regular maintenance during the months when the pool is in use, the pool must be prepared for winter, and reopened again in the spring, both of which are tasks better left in the hands of professional pool repair and maintenance personnel Scituate, MA (like other places in the northern hemisphere) has four seasons, and as a result, owners of in-ground swimming pools are only able to use them for a few months each year. During the months when the pool is open, it must be maintained on a weekly basis, and … Continue reading